This mill has all the infrastructure required to start a Technical Textile College and Research University with a full fledged technical textile mill but who is to bell the Cat.Who is the Cat.

Private and Public company's who hesitated to venture in to Technical Textiles a decade ago are now boldly going in for Technical Textiles ventures either as their expansion plan or as green field projects.
Our country's premier Government of India managed National Textile Corporation is engaged in closing textile mill which was capable of Technical Textile products.
One such mill is "Sree Yellamma Cotton,Woolen & Silk Mills".
This mill which was taken over by an Ordinance by Government of India,and was having junk textiles machinery which was more like a go down of old textile machinery.
It was the wish of the Prime Minister at that period in 60's to provide jobs for the unemployed closed textile mills, the textile mills that were about to be closed,the owners of many textile mills who were threatening to close and few which were mismanaged and on the verge of closure.The Labour Unions of these mills had approached the Prime Minister to see that the workers would not face unemployment and become a burden to the society and the Government.
The Ordinance to Nationalize these mills was therefore inevitable.
Under the Umbrella of the Government " National Textile Corporation Ltd "which was a Government of India "Managed" undertaking and not a Government Undertaking was formed.A wise decision was taken to prevent millions of employees to go out of the purview of getting the benefits of Government Employees.
With Rapid Actions, East,West,North and South Zones were created and a Central Office to control all the Zones was in place at the Capital.
Rapid Actions created Rapid Reactions with Bureaucrat's taking wise and unwise actions.
Very soon Zones were dismantled and mills all over India were formed in to Subsidiary company's on the basis of Spindleage.
These Subsidiary company's had Chairman cum Managing Directors who had as many directors in Technical,Finance,Marketing and Personal,who in turn had as many officers as they liked and everything was out of control in few and in control in few resulting in profit in few,marginal loses in few and heavy loses in few.
At the helm of everything was the Chairman a highly respected gentleman respected by the textile industry who was a PhD in Textiles from UK but he had a Bureaucrat as the Managing Director with unlimited powers.Soon the Chairman quietly was out of the big family of all types of highly intelligent and ignorant people managing all the mills all over India.One of the mill victimized was:
Shree Yellamma Cotton,Woolen & Silk Mills
This mill which was working well was planed for greedy unwanted expansion with mismatched project plan and equally mismatched textile machinery from as many as seven different textile machinery makers for a single project.The product mix planed was not started due to a set of machinery not received in time.Even if the machinery was installed the market price that was taken was inappropriate due to market not accepting the quality as it had no reputation for it.The project for the mill had ignored the Quality Testing Instrument required to test the end product in house.If it was included perhaps the project would have become nonviable.
The mill slowly but steadily improved the quality and was recognized as a supplier of consistent quality of the product.There was new product mix with a tag that said Money Back if product was inferior and had the seal of quality of Bureau of Indian Standards ISI.Synthetic and cotton blended products.Pure synthetic yarn for Industrial use " Technical Textiles " was introduced.
Artificial Wool products were in good demand which was produced after getting technical processing details which were obtained unofficially through friends from mills which were manufacturing such product.This experiment was a instant sucsus in the market.Few more products were under planning but the subsidiary office which was responsible for sales found it a hard task to market but were grappling with it.
The mill introduced cost control measures,Workers participation in management was working well and labour rationalization as per industry norms was in force.The person guiding the mills has received recognition from the world body of "Textile Institute" Manchester,UK.Further a " Asia Hong Kong Award " was given to the mills.One Hundred Percent of mills production was under ISI certificate.
The Mills Reputition was Super amoung the mills under it's category of mills in
the Subsidiary of seven mills.
The mill was for over seven years under a Technically Qualified person with vast experience.He was transfered and the mill went through such unwanted transfers till it reached the distingtion as the worst mill.
One fine day the last worker left the mills with a packet of VRS in his hand.
The mill gate were shut for ever.
Pictures of the mills after ten years are shown here along with this text elsewhere.
They won't give up they are starting a new mill at our Ex-Priminister's home district HASSAN.
It is a Green Field project.
A Report in the News Paper " The Hindu ".
DAVANGERE: Another cotton mill is on the verge of closure in Davangere, which was once considered the Manchester of Karnataka as it had a large number of cotton mills. The Sri Yellamma Cotton, Wool and Silk Mill, which is close to celebrating its golden jubilee year, may shut down in the next few days.
The Yellamma cotton mill, which was earlier owned by a private company, sustained losses and was almost closed down around five years ago.
However, the mill has accumulated a debt of over Rs. 42 crores and is not in a position to continue functioning.
The mill reportedly offered a modified voluntary retirement scheme to (MVRS) to its employees. Only a few employees will continue to work in the mill till formalities of closing the establishment are completed.
Efforts are on to provide compensation to the workers. There are around 309 workers at the mill and of them 115 are permanent staff members.
According to sources at the mill, the NTC does not plan to hand over the mill to private companies on contract. Of the 53 mills of the NTC, only 10 are said to be registering a profit and five other mills are running on no profit-no loss basis. The cotton mills in the district have been spinning yarn from indigenous cotton, of medium and short staple kinds, for over six decades.
Though cotton is largely purchased locally, the bigger mills used to import cotton to spin yarn of a higher thread count. The cotton mills used to manufacture long-cloth, shirting, dhotis, saris, towels, and bed sheets.
According to a resident here, the demand for the cloth produced at these mills was so high, people used to queue up outside showrooms of the mill to place orders.
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Blogger's Comment.
NTC does not mention how the mill ran in to a Debt of 42 Crores.
The mill was paying 25 % of it's income as interest to NTC on the Loan given by NTC,while the Norm for Interest payment in Textile Industry is 4 to 6 %.Why did NTC give such a huge Loan ?.Which was the unjustified reason for the mill closure.How much of 42 crores was received by NTC?.
Has NTC made any Investments Like the one mentioned hereunder in any mill it managed for over 15 years.
They started buying machines like vegitables from any tom dick and harry.
Investments made by a private company year wise as given below IN TECHNOLOGY
Incorporating & Working on the latest and the upcoming technologies, has helped us to become the best in the industry. We justify ourselves by giving a glimpse at it :
Company installed 130 " wide Fully Electronic Lockstitch Swiss Quilting machine with 360 degree quilting facilities, first of its kind in India.
Company developed an in-house technology to manufacture Textile Auxiliary Chemicals for Captive Consumption resulting in better fabric quality at cheaper rates.
Company installed Fusible Interlining plant with Microdot Coating Technology .
Company signed TOT (Transfer of Technology) agreement with DMSRDE (A DRDO unit) to manufacture Glacier Tents and High Altitude Sleeping Bags.
Company sets up the facilities to manufacture Technical Textiles like NBC (Nuclear Bio-Chemical) fabric, IR (Infrared Reflective) fabric.
Company sets up a Denim manufacturing plant with Rope Dying Technology.
Company incorporates Screen Making Technology with 1200 resolution.
Company entered into Joint Ventures with Armet Armoured Vehicles Ltd U.K for manufacturing and assembly of 360 degree protection Armored vehicles; we take pride to introduce it for the first time in India.
Company is working on Nano Technology - to produce smart textiles e.g. smart caps, vests and bed sheets equipped with Nano Carbon Sensors - one of the first of its kind in the world.