Sunday, February 28, 2010


Cheaper and better microfibre felts for dust separation.

Good News.

A Brazilian company claims its nonwoven made from a fluoropolymer film that is split into fibrils and then entangled makes an improved filter felt.

[ Technical Textiles - in MSc Advanced Materials.]

If you have a good first degree in science or technology and wish to continue your studies into M.Sc. level, you may want to consider studying M.Sc. in Advanced Materials at University of Bolton. This one year full-time or two years part-time course enables you to specialize in any of the following five areas:

1. Technical Textiles.

2. Medical Textiles.

3. Fire Retardant Textiles.

4. Intelligent Materials.

5. Smart Microsystems.

You can join the course from 1st February 2010 or 1st October 2010. To secure a place apply early. For further information visit| or get in touch with Mrs Donna Zarei, the Course Administrator at|, Tel. ++44 (0)1204 903101 or Dr Mohsen Miraftab, the Course Leader at| Tel. ++44(0)1204 903663.
For overseas admission, please contact the International Office at| or call ++44 (1204) 903110 for full details.

Scholarship Opportunity: Students who achieve outstanding results in their M.Sc. at IMRI and wish to continue their studies into PhD could qualify for a year's scholarship covering fees in their third year of the PhD programme.

Course Overview.

The MSc Advanced Materials is for you if you are a scientist looking to further develop your skills and knowledge in the field of advanced materials.

You will be working with modern and advanced materials and have the opportunity to extend your understanding of the methodologies and applications used in high technology and science-based industries. You will use your already extensive understanding of the properties and behaviour of materials in order to envisage and devise novel applications in response to technological problems and shortcomings.

This is a unique and flexible course in which you may choose to specialise in a particular area of advanced materials. Alternatively, you may study a combination of modules from any of the five pathways which will result in a non-specific award of MSc in Advanced Materials.

The department will also consider the development of a tailor-made module if you are in a particular group of students with an interest in a specific area, for example one that that is relevant to the organisation in which you are working.

About the course.

The course offers five distinct pathways. Each pathway consists of an individual project and four taught modules. Teaching for each module is delivered as a short-course lasting no more than ten days.

If you do not wish to select a specific pathway you may choose a combination of modules from any of the five pathways. This will lead to a non-specific award of MSc in Advanced Materials.

Written work for each module is in the form of an assignment or an integrated learning package (ILP) and consists of three parts, each with set times and deadlines for submission. This work may take the form of essays, assignments, projects, seminars and case study analysis. It is assessed in parts and feedback will be given during the allocated period of self study.

Key skills will be developed, and assessed at appropriate stages during each part of the assignment. Oral presentation of ILPs will be required in all modules.

You will be required to complete the ILP within three months of finishing the module to be awarded full credits.

Individual project work will be undertaken within your workplace wherever possible, ensuring relevance to the employer, access to appropriate facilities and allowing sufficient time to be spent on practical work. Where this is not feasible, projects may be based and carried out at the university.

Each module with its completed integrated learning package is worth 30 credits and your project is worth 60 credits. Accumulation of 180 credits in total leads to the award of MSc.

The course is very flexible in terms of your options for study as you can choose a particular pathway which leads to a specific qualification or you may choose a combination of modules from any of the five pathways which will lead to a non-specific award of MSc in Advanced Materials.

Teaching for each module is delivered as a short-course that will last no more than ten days. The rest of your study is very flexible and may be carried out away from the university.

Class sizes are small which means you will be able to work closely with your fellow students and your tutor.

Your subject of study and your personal project means you have the opportunity to work in an area that is of personal interest or that is related to your career.

If you choose to progress to doctoral studies at the university after graduation on the MSc, you are only required to pay for two years of your PhD.

What you will learn.

You will build on your understanding of modern and advanced materials and the methodologies and applications used in high technology and science-based industries, equipping you with the potential to lead future developments in the field of advanced materials.

You will develop your knowledge so that you are able to relate the physical and chemical structure of materials to their macroscopic properties and provide an insight into materials requirements for current scientific and commercial applications.

Your prior knowledge and understanding in your field will enable you to envisage and devise novel applications – particularly for high technology materials – and develop diagnostic and novel approaches to technological problems and shortcomings through the interdisciplinary use of materials.

Your studies will include considerations of the technological, environmental, economical and cultural factors that may influence material choice, manufacturing design, processing conditions and mode of application.

What you will study.

The MSc Advanced Materials consists of five pathways, each of which leads to a specific qualification:

MSc in Advanced Materials (Medical & Healthcare)

The following modules are studied: Fibre Fundamentals; Technical Textiles; Medical Textiles; Research Methods in Advanced Materials; Research Project in Advanced Materials.

MSc in Advanced Materials (Technical Textiles)

The following modules are studied: Fibre Fundamentals; Technical Textiles; Geosynthetics; Research Methods in Advanced Materials; Research Project in Advanced Materials.

MSc in Advanced Materials (Fire Retardancy)

The following modules are studied: Fundamentals of Fire Behaviour; Materials and Fire Retardants; Materials' Burning Behaviour; Research Methods in Advanced Materials; Research Project in Advanced Materials.

MSc in Advanced Materials (Intelligent Materials)

The following modules are studied: Properties, Processing and Characterisation of Smart Materials; Modelling Methods and Design of Advanced Materials; Smart Materials; Research Methods in Advanced Materials; Research Project in Advanced Materials.

MSc in Advanced Materials (Smart Microsystems)

The following modules are studied: Advanced Materials Processing; Microsystems Design; Functional Materials for Microsystems; Research Methods; Research Project.

Provided there is sufficient interest in a particular subject, we could tailor make a module to suit company or groups of individuals' interest area. Prior consultation is essential.

For detailed further information about the course please contact:

Mrs Donna Zarei (CMRI Course Administrator)

Tel: 01204 903011


Dr Mohsen Miraftab (Programme Leader)

Tel: 01204 903663


Postal Address:


University of Bolton

Deane Road


BL3 5AB.

For general information about the university and how to apply please contact:

Student Services

University of Bolton

Deane Road



Tel: 01204 903903


Last updated by mm15 on 04/03/09

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

[ Technical Textiles - Shed weight with a 'filling' pill.]

By Abigail Klein Leichman.

February 22, 2010.

With its super-absorbent polymers, Exotech may help you shed weight without surgery, grow crops with less water and heal wounds more quickly.

The natural super absorbent polymers created by Exotech can be used for a range of environmentally friendly products that can do anything from treat obesity, to irrigate plants.
Shed weight safely without surgery; grow crops with less water; heal wounds more quickly; dispose of diapers without harming the earth - Israel's Exotech Bio Solutions claims that these diverse goals are all attainable using the naturally derived, super-absorbent polymers (SAPs) that it has developed.
"Most super-absorbent materials are acrylic byproducts of oil," Exotech co-CEO Mendy Axlerad explains to ISRAEL21c. "This presents many disadvantages, from high costs to environmental harm. We developed a new way to make super-absorbents from natural materials and chemicals, using a technology based on water."
When they get wet, SAPs swell and form a gel that traps fluid. Unaffected by the fluctuations of oil prices, this technology is considerably cheaper, uses less energy to produce and results in a fully biodegradable material with many potential applications.
A pill for weight loss.

Four years ago, Exotech partnered with Boston-based PureTech Ventures to form Gelesis, a corporation that developed a pill to treat obesity using Exotech SAP. The pill expands in the stomach, causing a feeling of fullness, and is eliminated after several hours.
"We raised $20 million, and have just finished safety testing in humans with very good results," reports Axlerad. "Now we are in phase two, seeking confirmation that the concept works in helping people reduce their weight."
Scientists at Israel's Volcani Institute are testing Exotech's agricultural product, an SAP-filled reservoir that sits under the soil and provides plant roots with precisely the amount of water they require. The present top-down system of drip irrigation can be wasteful, especially when you take evaporation into account.
"This takes water control from the agriculturist to the plants," says Axlerad. "They know when to absorb water and when to stop. Our product can reduce water consumption by 60 to 80 percent, which is of interest not only in Israel but all over the world." The SAP itself degrades into ammonia, a natural fertilizer. After several agricultural cycles, it would be possible to stop using chemical fertilizers entirely.
Allowing patients to leave the hospital sooner.

Another Exotech SAP could revolutionize the treatment of open wounds, burns, pressure sores and chronic ulcers. Dressings have to keep such wounds at a specific humidity, absorb exudates and introduce medication, all in a sterile medium.
Ordinarily, this requires hospital monitoring. But according to Axlerad, Exotech's self-sterilizing SAP material can perform these functions self-sufficiently, enabling patients to return home and to work quickly.
A research team at Tel Aviv's Beilinson Hospital is ready to begin testing this material once adequate funding is obtained.
Attracting investors is the final hurdle between technology and application. Founded in late 1999 as a research and development firm, Exotech operates on private capital. Axlerad and co-CEO Zvika Meiri together own 80 percent of the six-employee company.

Investments needed for large-scale production

Lack of investment funds has stalled the implementation of large-scale production of Exotech's patented material for "green" child and adult diapers and safe, super-absorbent tampons and nursing pads.
Testing on the material produced in the company's small Kiryat Gat facility, south of Tel Aviv, was completed by a German laboratory and major diaper manufacturers have expressed interest in replacing the oil-derived super-absorbents they currently use. But so far, Exotech hasn't secured enough capital to make sufficient SAP for a test-marketing run.
"To start production of SAP for personal hygiene products, we need an investment of $5 million, but the profit would be $1.5 million, after tax, at the end of the first year. This is a very profitable potential because we use cheaper raw materials," says Axelrad.
He and Meiri are mulling two solutions: Creating subsidiary companies to serve each niche market, similar to Gelesis; or putting more money directly into Exotech. Neither partner wants to move the business out of Israel.
"If we cannot see any other solution, maybe we would," concedes Axelrad, who served 25 years in the Israel Air Force, adding, "I am hopeful we can be successful here."