Text Book for Technical Textile Marketing Subjects

1)Fiber Length Tester - On line application - Rapid Test:-
a)This Tester must be with latest improvements in Computer technology and electronics and must have high accuracy and reproducibility meeting ISO quality management requirements.It should be for use in cotton,man made and all natural fibers.There must be for use not only in the college laboratory but also for 'online' use in the mills.It should be fully automatic and there should not be any chance for operative or sampling error.The need for rapid test say 10 samples in 10 minutes is essential.Calibration need or material should not be essential.Conditioning and testing need must be absent.Must be portable.
b)Measured Parameters must Include:-
i ) Upper Length.
This corresponding to 2.5% span length of filograph or HVI.Settings at Draw Frame can be optimized with this.
ii) TC-LCT Length.
This is close to mean fiber length and provides an eastimate of fiber breakage at various stages of processing,also this indicates the fiber fractionation achieved at Comber.
iii)Fiber Hooks.
Total number of leading and trailing hooks in a sliver,which is needed for optimizing number of Doubling passages and Doubling and Draft at Draw Frames.
iv)TC-LCT Length X Fiber Hooks.
Required to know the Hook Length.
vi)Short Fiber Length.
10% This valve gives an indication of Fiber breakages in processing.
vii)Short Fiber Amount.
This Indicates the ratio between long and short fibers.
Higher breakages in processing lead to amount of short Fibers.
viii)Short Fiber Gradient.
This value indicates fiber breakages(a lower value means more breakages.)
1)Enables to set the Draw Frame and Comber Draw Box for optimum settings and avoid Fiber breakages.
2)Helps in Estimating Setting at Licker-in Zone in Cards,minimizing Fiber Breaks.
3)Highly useful in Estimating Fractioning Efficiency of Comber.
4)Helps Locate Sub Standard Machinery in the department.
This Machine must be functional 'Online'.
2)Automatic (1)Tensile,(2)Evenness and (3)Count Tester:-
Strength,Elongation,Evenness and Count are the important quality parameters of yarn
Quality is monitored with these major primary properties,as any deviation from customers specifications will result in rejection and financial loss.
All the Three Tests must be carried out by this instruments as per programme needs.It must be possible to carry out even one of the Test if required.
3)Testing Equipment for Cotton Classifying System.
CCS is a fiber laboratory to determine Micronaire value,maturity,linear density,fiber length distribution,tensile strength / elongation,degrees of whiteness and yellowness as well as neps,trash and dust content.It is applicable for raw cotton in order to classify cotton as well as sliver and roving in order to perform tests for technological testing during spinning process in order to assess the spin ability of cotton fiber.The test report from this instrument must give:
i)Test report for each single test.
ii)Test report for all tests together in one report.
iii)Storing all data reports.
iv)Test coding for later analysis.
v)Force,ellongation and Leniar density of man made fiber tests should be possible.
vi)The Instrument must have USDA certification.
4) Fibrotest - Fiber Length and Strength Tester:
Key Fiber Characteristics of Cotton.
Fiber Length and breaking strength determine to a large extent the processing of cotton fiber in to yarn and the properties of the yarn itself.
Fiber length is usually measured on a bundle of fibers according to the Fibrograph system.This test is based on the optical scanning device and delivers various parameters characterizing fiber length distribution.
Fiber length is measured on fiber bundles also as the fiber bundle strength depends on the number of fibers in the bundle.The Instrument chosen should therefore must be very highly accurate.
5)Instrument for measuring:-
a)Liner Density.
b)Tensile Test.
6)Automatic Single Fiber Shrinkage Test System.
7)Digital Micro/Macro Microscope.
There are many more testing instruments for testing yarn,fibers of so many in natural and man made and fabrics also in apparels and technical textiles that even in one research organizations we cannot find.
Many of the testing instruments listed above are all for mainly cotton and few are for technical textiles.
The project being a College for Technical Textiles and a Technical Textile Mill the need for testing instruments need a big budget allocation.A point that needs no mention.
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