Monday, June 15, 2009

[ Technical Textiles - Market Potential ]

(Serial    (Tech Text.  (Market Size
No) Sector) & Potential)
Rs.In Crores.
For 2014-2015
1 Agro Tech- ...Rs.1,938
1 Agro Tech ....Rs.1,938
2 Build Tech-...Rs.6,877
3 Cloth Tech-...Rs.26,677
4 Geo Tech-.....Rs.2,357
5 Home Tech-....Rs.4,198
6 Indu Tech-....Rs.3,192
7 Med Tech- ....Rs.5,945
8 Mobi Tech- ...Rs.3,613
9 Oeko Tech-....Rs.0,098
10 Pack Tech-....Rs.14,288
11 Pro Tech- ....Rs.1,931
12 Sport Tech-...Rs.6,238
These estimated figures gathered from various sources indicate the scope for growth in:
a)Cloth Tech
b)Pack Teck
c)Sport Tech
d)Build Tech.
The problem is how to monitor this growth in terms of quality and the quantity exported,if there is one it's OK otherwise the Govt should en block hand over the responsibility to an esteemed Research Organization such as our country's prestigious "Bombay Textile Research Association".
The sooner it's done it's better for the rapid growth of this giant Technical Textile Industry in India.

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