Wednesday, May 20, 2009

[ Research in Technical Textiles in India.]

We do have around half a dozen Textile Research Associations in various States in India.They do publish their research papers in all areas of Cotton,Woolen,Silk,Jute,Man Made Fibers,All operations in all areas of Spinning,Weaving,Fabric Processing,Knitting,Fabric Printing and accessories needed in the complete operations of the Textile Mills.

These Research Associations individually and in association organize conferences yearly at their centers alternately.Many Technologists,Mill Owners and all others connected with the working of the Textile Mills participate in these conferences.

Some of the Researches are done in their own pilot plants and also in select mills.Most of these Researches are in some areas a replica of the Researches done else where with minor changes and few are indeed original in use in the Industry.

How Many have taken Patents for their Research.

E-Mail's have been sent to all the Research Associations to get the information.

to be the first Research Association to have permitted to republish
any Research Conducted by them in Technical Textiles to be republished in this Blog.

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